Rustic Rose Grace Bouquet
Rustic Rose Grace Bouquet
Rustic Rose Grace Bouquet
Rustic Rose Grace Bouquet

Rustic Rose Grace Bouquet

Regular priceRs. 2,390.00
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A timeless bouquet featuring a harmonious blend of delicate ivory roses, rustic dried flowers, and hints of lush greenery. Wrapped in an elegant gold-trimmed sheet and tied with a sophisticated rope, this arrangement is perfect for adding charm to any space. Ideal for gifting, home décor, or special occasions, this handcrafted bouquet captures the essence of everlasting beauty and refined aesthetics.

50.8 X 25.4Cm


Silk Flowers, paper, ribbon

Handle with care, avoid moisture, store in a cool place. Gently spot clean if needed. Cherish these Easter decor yearn on year.

Manufactured and Marketed by: Marble Rose Studio OPC Pvt Ltd 1/5, 1/5A Madurai Bypass Road Sankaraperi, Thoothukudi - 628002 Tamil Nadu
Country of origin : India

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